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This page will help you choose the appropriate storage service for your remote Kafka Streams state stores

Supported Storage Services

Responsive supports the following databases as Kafka Streams state stores.

Considerations for choosing the right storage service

The pro's and con's of each of these services is enumerated below:

MongoDBWidely supported; Production Grade; Robust deployment options; Flexible indexing schemesUses BTree indexes, which can impact write throughputIf you already use MongoDB and don't have very large amounts of state, MongoDB may be perfect for you.
ScyllaDBProduction grade database; Uses LSM trees, and thus can support high volume writes at large scaleCloud options not as mature as MongoDBUse ScyllaDB if you have large amounts of state with high write volumes and need a high performance store.
RS3Uses SlateDB with persistence on S3. Is extremely cost effective and elastic, which makes many large state apps economicalIs in private beta, and not yet advised for mission-critical workloadsRS3 was designed for cloud-native streaming applications. If you have large state and need a more economical remote storage option, this is the right choice for you.